Carpet Cleaning
A facility’s carpet is typically the largest cleanable surface, and J.V. Janitorial possesses the expertise and logistical know-how to manage almost any facilities needs.
Dirt, dust and grime is ground into carpets over time, eating away at fibers, creating smells and stains, and fouling your facility’s cleanliness. J.V. Janitorial offers a full suite of carpet cleaning services designed to maintain the quality and cleanliness of your carpets, and extend their lifetime. Properly maintaining carpets provides better sanitary conditions and delivers a fresh look and feel to a facility.
- Commercial and Residential
- Truck mount and portable units using the hot water extraction method
- Furniture and upholstery cleaning
- General pre-spotting and deodorizing provided at no charge
- Scotch Guard available
- Flood extraction, sanitation and deodorize
- References available upon request